A Significant Measure of Generosity

At our first in-person Open House since 2019, Culmore Clinic was truly blessed by a visit from Rose Mensah and Kwabena Twumasi on behalf of Reverend Anthony Appiah of Ghana Catholic Community and their community members. Ms. Mensah presented Board President Greg Loewer and Co-Founder Terry Lavoie with a check for $5,000 to Culmore Clinic, and gave this speech explaining why…

(L to R) Greg Loewer, Kwabena Twumasi, Rose Mensah, Terry Lavoie

Ms. Rose Mensah’s Speech

My name is Rose Mensah.  I am here on behalf of Reverend Anthony Appiah of Ghana Catholic Community to make a donation to the Culmore Clinic.  I want to tell a short story of what the Culmore Clinic did for one of our priests who came on a visit to the United States from Ghana.  Fr. James stayed for several months, and on his last week to leave to go back to Ghana, he decided to have medical examination.  He has no health insurance, and this would cost a lot of money.

After seeking for a doctor who will do the medical exam pro bono, and found none, Ms. Virginia Mullins, then the nurse of St. Anthony parish (where Culmore Clinic was founded), got Fr. James help at the Culmore Clinic.  We have not forgotten the kindness the clinic showed to our priest.

As they say, one good turn deserves another, or as Jesus said in the book of Mark, chapter 4, “The measure you use to measure will be measured back to you” So, on behalf of our priest, Fr. Anthony Appiah, and our benefactor, Ghana Catholic Community presents to the Culmore Clinic, a check for $5000.00 to support this clinic.

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